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Passionate about Music & Community Service

Passionate about Music & Community Service

Thomas attended Sea Crest School from Kindergarten through 8th grade. He graduated in 2016, a Crest Graduate who received the Crest Honor Roll award for his entire middle school career, and is a Junior at Lick Wilmerding High School in San Francisco. 

Thomas is currently a Junior and very interested in pursuing a career in music production, a direction he had never planned on going. He got bit by the music bug while attending Sea Crest. He was in the 5th-grade band program, loved participating in the All School Musical each year, and in 7th grade, had a principal role and solo in the production. Thomas credits a Music Production exploration class he took with Mr. Cooper for nurturing his interest. He is currently working on producing an album with fellow alumnus Kai Guevara.

Outside of music, Thomas has many interests, one of which is Community Service. A long-time Boy Scout, Thomas was charged with coming up with an idea for his Eagle Scout project. The Eagle Scout Service Project, or simply Eagle Project, is the opportunity for a Scout to demonstrate leadership of others while performing a project for the benefit of his community.

Thomas worked with the help of public works staff, his dad and other boy scouts to design and construct an enclosure for a sandbag filling station to be used in emergencies. They spent 140 hours building an enclosure to store sand which is a necessity for the community during the rainy season. The sand was previously stored in city parking lots but large amounts of sand were being taken and used for other purposes. Thomas and his team were able to secure a site near the train depot and have now completed the project that will be stocked and maintained by Public Works staff moving forward.

Thomas was publicly recognized at a City Council meeting on October 15, 2019. He received a plaque on behalf of City Council that will be placed on his project commemorating his service to the Half Moon Bay community. 

Fun Sea Crest Facts:

  • What is your most memorable experience? Falling into a fountain at the Rosicrucian Museum.
  • What does Sea Crest excel at? Creating interest in learning and cultivating opportunities for less traditional ways of learning. I was always excited about choosing explorations-not everyone gets those cool opportunities.
  • What were your favorite athletics or extracurricular activities? 篮球, tennis, cross country. Lots of opportunity for sports-appreciated the no-cut athletics program. I played for fun!
  • How did Sea Crest prepare you for high school? In general, classes at Sea Crest made me interested in the content. In High School, there is A LOT of content!

What is your most memorable experience? Washington DC and International Travel (Greece and Italy)

  • What does Sea Crest excel at? Focus on mindfulness. A good segue to the Bay School. Variety of classes. The innovation lab was really cool.
  • What were your favorite classes? Science and 历史.
  • What were your favorite athletics or extra curricular activities? 篮球.
  • What advice would you give a Sea Crest student now? Be authentic to who you are and what you need and want. 

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